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Partners - Zerringer Zerringer Zerringer
  Facade Solutions embodies your brilliant ideas into reality! Ventilated Facades ZERRINGER energy efficient, cost effective and easy to install! Facade systems brand ZERRINGER - it's time-tested quality!




Relationships define success
Philip Crosby

Our partners are the construction and installation companies, manufacturers of high-quality facade materials and companies involved in the implementation of cladding materials.

ALCOA Inc. – company best known for its work with lightweight metals and advanced manufacturing techniques. The world’s third largest producer of aluminum, high-quality composite aluminum material for facades.
alcoa zerringer

Company Bauwerkstoffa group of professionals with experience in the installation of ventilated facades ZERRINGER with cladding material like HPL panels.

Construction complex solutions – construction and installation company with great experience in construction  business.
Company is regional representative of ZERRINGER facade systems in Russia. 

CKP, real

Evotech Ural  leader in the installation of ventilated facade systems in the Ural Federal District.
Official and exclusive supplier of ZERRINGER facade systems in the region Ural.


EXAL  is a biggest suppler of extruded aluminum and corrugate materials in Ukraine. Basic rule of the company –  combination of best service and product quality. 

EXAL Zerringer - Copy

FRONTEX – project-designing and construction company.
On Ukrainian market has been operating for more than 15 years.
A team of professionals,  easily and harmoniously work with.


Frontex Zerringer

FunderMax  – well-known Australian brand with 60 years of experience manufacturing high-quality laminated composite panels (HPL panels) in Europe.


ImolaCeramicais the brand name of the Italian company Ceramica d’Imola, other than the manufacturer of the ceramic material, which reflects the latest trends and provides a high technical indicators.
imola-ceramica zerringer

INTENGA -group of great professionals in business of architectural and construction designing, structural strength analysis, thermal calculations and energy assessment of buildings.

LIK Foreside – regional dealer in the Tyumen region, the Khanty-Mansi and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District of the Russian Federation. lik 

MEGAPROFIL -young and dynamic company, with extensive experience. It is engaged in the installation of ventilated structures, glazing and insulation of facades throughout Ukraine.
Working also on market of reconstruction and restoration of the old surface of buildings.


Zerringer фасад, Мегапрофиль

Novelis Inc. –  world leader in aluminum rolling sheet, aluminum composite of different quality and good performance characteristics.
Novelis Zerringer

Polish company Tech – Expert Sp. z o.o.., has wide range of services. Well-known for installing textile materials combined with ZERRINGER-F system.


ZERRINGER Group -official representative of ZERRINGER facade systems in Belarus. 


Company ZERRINGER is ready to cooperate with the architectural firms, architects, design studios, construction companies and installers on mutual beneficial terms.
 We are offering:

  • Pre-architectural solutions
  • Project-designing and engineering
  • Preparation of all necessary project documents
  • Engineering support
  • Selection and delivery of the best materials
  •  Elaboration and construction support
  •  Preparation of the construction documents
  •  Analysis of strength and thermotechnical calculations
  •  Quality and timely execution of tasks
  •  Turnkey implementation of your boldest and most creative ideas

Cooperation terms are discussed individually for each project!
Please do not hesitate to write us!
