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exhibition facade 2007 construction architecture Zerringer Zerringer
  Facade Solutions embodies your brilliant ideas into reality! Ventilated Facades ZERRINGER energy efficient, cost effective and easy to install! Facade systems brand ZERRINGER - it's time-tested quality!



Exhibition – FACADE 2007

October 15, 2007

80769__meteor_141x100From 2 to 5 October 2007, the CEC “Meteor”, Dnepropetrovsk city hosted the 14th All-Ukrainian exhibition of Construction and Architecture “FACADE-2007”, in which were held specialized exhibition “Design and Interior” and “Building Security”.

At the exhibition the company ZERRINGER presented new solutions for installation facade HPL panels of company TRESPA, as well as typical and unusual solutions installation of ventilated facades.

In the frame of exhibition time was held seminar “Application of ventilated facades ZERRINGER in a modern frame construction”.

Results of the 14th All-Ukrainian exhibition of construction and architecture “Facade Autumn – 2007” 2 – 5 October 2007 can be downloaded in pdf format in English language.


